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Choosing organic cotton clothing for kids with eczema & sensitive skin.


As first-time parents there is always a constant need to protect and consciously provide the best for your new born babies and what would be better than choosing clothing that is ethically made and free from unnatural dyes and synthetics to wrap up your bundle of joy.

Why is organic cotton better?

These crops are not treated with any pesticides, insecticides, herbicides nor are they genetically modified. Hence the yield of the cotton threads, fiber and the fabric obtained from it is extremely natural eco-friendly and very safe for babies and toddlers.

As a practicing dermatologist, I often advise parents of babies having certain skin conditions like dermatitis, eczema, icthyosis (excessively dry skin condition) that what you put on your body is as important as what goes into it.

A small exposure to an irritant substance present in clothing that have GMO or fabrics such as rayon, polyster and nylon especially can cause a major skin reaction.

The non-organic commercially available clothes are made up of synthetic fibers mixed with petrochemicals, acrylic, PVC and artificial colors to dye the clothes, which might lead to allergic contact dermatitis, exacerbation's of already existing underlying skin conditions like atopic dermatitis, extreme flare-ups etc.

Wearing natural colored organic cotton, fabrics dyed with herbal and vegetables colors, bamboo cotton should be present in your children’s wardrobe.

Thankfully there are some excellent options today and more brands are consciously making an effort to educate people on the importance of sustainable and natural clothing. Tickle Tickle Organic Essential Clothing is one such brand which ticks all of the above boxes.

The clothes at this UAE brand is made from really soft natural cotton fibers and there is no added artificial or commercial dye used to colour these clothes.

The inherent colour of the cotton is brought out and the prints are done by naturally occurring pigments; so the chances of any skin reaction to the cloth or to the color are next to impossible.

The inseam of the clothes is done by the same organically certified cotton threads and the label is placed on the outside of the clothes so that there is no irritation when the clothes touch the baby’s body.

Even their summer collection is made up of organic muslin which has the inherent property to absorb all the sweat from the body rendering less chances of common problems like acne and diaper rash during summer.

As a dermatologist, I believe it’s important for parents to start with daily clothing which have immediate contact to skin and switch to organic and sustainable fabrics.

Knowing that your able to make your little one more comfortable and keep them safe from unwanted chemicals as well as benefit the environment is a great feeling!


Contributor: Dr Akreti Sobti

Specialist Dermatologist, Board Certified Dermatologist

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


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